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he gave a sigh of relief

  • 1 relief

    I noun
    1) (alleviation, deliverance) Erleichterung, die

    give or bring [somebody] relief [from pain] — [jemandem] [Schmerz]linderung verschaffen

    breathe or heave a sigh of relief — erleichtert aufatmen

    what a relief!, that's a relief! — da bin ich aber erleichtert!

    2) (assistance) Hilfe, die; (financial state assistance) Sozialhilfe, die; attrib. Hilfs[fond, -organisation, -komitee]
    3) (replacement of person) Ablösung, die; attrib.
    II noun

    high/low relief — Hoch-/Flachrelief, das

    2) (a sculpture) Relief, das

    stand out in strong relief against something — sich scharf gegen etwas abheben; (fig.) in krassem Gegensatz zu etwas stehen

    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) die Erleichterung
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) die Hilfe; Hilfs-...
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) die Ablösung; Ablösungs-...
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) die Befreiung
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) das Relief
    - academic.ru/61348/relieve">relieve
    - relieved
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (assistance for poor) Hilfsgüter pl; (help) Hilfe f, Unterstützung f
    shipment of \relief Hilfsgütersendung f
    to be on \relief AM ( fam) von der Sozialhilfe leben
    disaster/famine \relief Katastrophen-/Hungerhilfe f
    2. (diminution) Entlastung f
    \relief of hunger/suffering Linderung f von Hunger/Leid
    tax \relief Steuerermäßigung f
    3. (release from tension) Erleichterung f
    that's [or what] a \relief! was für eine Erleichterung!
    you can imagine my \relief du kannst dir vorstellen, wie erleichtert ich war
    it was such a \relief to hear that Glen had been found safe and well mir fiel ein Stein vom Herzen, als ich hörte, dass man Glen sicher und wohlauf gefunden hatte
    sense of \relief Gefühl nt der Erleichterung
    to feel an incredible sense of \relief sich akk unglaublich erleichtert fühlen
    a sigh of \relief ein Seufzer m der Erleichterung
    to breathe a sigh of \relief erleichtert aufatmen
    light [or comic] \relief THEAT befreiende Komik
    to be greeted with \relief mit Erleichterung aufgenommen werden
    much to my [or to my great] \relief zu meiner großen Erleichterung
    4. (substitute) Ersatz m, Vertretung f
    \relief of a country/a town Entsatz m eines Landes/einer Stadt
    6. LAW (remedy) Klagebegehren nt
    II. n modifier Ersatz-, Vertretungs-
    \relief driver Ersatzfahrer(in) m(f)
    1. (three-dimensional representation) Reliefdruck m
    2. (sculpture) Relief nt
    bronze \relief Bronzerelief nt
    3. no pl (sharpness of image) Kontrast m
    to be in \relief against sth sich akk von etw dat abheben
    to stand out in sharp [or bold] \relief sich akk deutlich von etw dat [o gegen etw akk] abheben
    to throw sth into \relief etw hervortreten lassen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (from anxiety, pain) Erleichterung f

    to bring sb relief (drug) — jdm Erleichterung verschaffen; (news) jdn erleichtern

    that brought him some relief from his headachedas hat seine Kopfschmerzen etwas gelindert

    it was a relief to find it — ich/er etc war erleichtert, als ich/er etc es fand

    it was a relief to get out of the office — es war eine Wohltat, aus dem Büro wegzukommen

    2) (from monotony, boredom) Abwechslung f

    to provide a little light/comic relief — für eine kleine Abwechslung/für etwas Humor sorgen

    3) (= assistance) Hilfe f

    to be on relief (US) — Fürsorge bekommen, von der Fürsorge leben

    4) (ESP MIL: act of relieving, replacement forces) Entsatz m; (= substitute) Ablösung f
    5) (ART, GEOG) Relief nt; (TYP) Relief nt, Hochdruck m

    high/low relief — Hoch-/Flachrelief nt

    to stand out in relief (lit) — sich (deutlich) abheben; (fig)

    6) (JUR) Rechtshilfe f (of bei)
    2. attr
    1) (= aid) Hilfs-

    the relief effort — die Hilfsaktion; (in disaster) die Rettungsaktion

    2) (= replacement) watchman, driver zur Entlastung

    relief bus/train — Entlastungsbus/-zug m

    * * *
    relief1 [rıˈliːf] s
    1. Erleichterung f ( auch MED):
    a drug for the relief of pain ein schmerzlinderndes Mittel;
    (much) to my relief, to my (great) relief zu meiner (großen) Erleichterung;
    with ( oder in) relief erleichtert;
    it was a relief to me when ich war erleichtert, als;
    give ( oder bring) some relief MED Erleichterung bringen; sigh A 1, C
    2. Wohltat f ( to the eye für das Auge)
    3. a) Entspannung f, Abwechslung f, angenehme Unterbrechung
    b) euph sexuelle Befriedigung
    4. Trost m
    5. Entlastung f
    6. Abhilfe f
    7. a) Unterstützung f, Hilfe f:
    relief fund Unterstützungs-, Hilfsfonds m;
    relief works öffentliche Bauvorhaben zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit
    b) US Sozialhilfe f:
    be on relief Sozialhilfe beziehen
    8. MIL
    a) Entsatz m, Entlastung f:
    relief attack Entlastungsangriff m
    b) auch allg Ablösung f:
    relief driver AUTO Beifahrer(in);
    relief road Entlastungsstraße f;
    relief train Entlastungszug m;
    relief valve Überdruckventil n
    9. Vertretung f, Aushilfe f:
    relief secretary Aushilfssekretärin f
    10. JUR
    a) Rechtshilfe f
    b) Rechtsbehelf m:
    the relief sought das Klagebegehren
    11. JUR, HIST Lehngeld n, -ware f
    relief2 [rıˈliːf] s
    1. Relief n ( auch GEOG):
    stand out in (bold) relief plastisch oder scharf hervortreten (a. fig);
    bring out the facts in full relief fig die Tatsachen deutlich herausarbeiten;
    set into vivid relief fig etwas plastisch schildern;
    throw into relief (deutlich) hervortreten lassen (a. fig);
    be in relief against sich (deutlich) abheben gegen;
    relief map Relief-, Höhenkarte f
    2. TYPO Reliefdruck m
    * * *
    I noun
    1) (alleviation, deliverance) Erleichterung, die

    give or bring [somebody] relief [from pain] — [jemandem] [Schmerz]linderung verschaffen

    breathe or heave a sigh of relief — erleichtert aufatmen

    what a relief!, that's a relief! — da bin ich aber erleichtert!

    2) (assistance) Hilfe, die; (financial state assistance) Sozialhilfe, die; attrib. Hilfs[fond, -organisation, -komitee]
    3) (replacement of person) Ablösung, die; attrib.
    II noun

    high/low relief — Hoch-/Flachrelief, das

    2) (a sculpture) Relief, das

    stand out in strong relief against something — sich scharf gegen etwas abheben; (fig.) in krassem Gegensatz zu etwas stehen

    * * *
    Ablösung -en f.
    Entlastung f.
    Erleichterung f.
    Hilfe -n f.
    Linderung f.
    Relief -s n.
    Unterstützung f.

    English-german dictionary > relief

  • 2 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) alivio
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; (also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) auxilio, socorro
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; (also adjective) a relief driver.) relevo
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) liberación
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relieve
    - relieved
    relief n alivio
    what a relief! ¡qué alivio!
    2 (help) auxilio, socorro, ayuda
    3 (person) relevo
    5 SMALLGEOGRAPHY/SMALL relieve nombre masculino
    to breathe a sigh of relief / heave a sigh of relief dar un suspiro de alivio
    to throw into relief poner en relieve
    what a relief! ¡qué alivio!
    relief fund fondo de ayuda
    relief road vía de descongestión
    relief [ri'li:f] n
    1) : alivio m, desahogo m
    relief from pain: alivio del dolor
    2) aid, welfare: ayuda f (benéfica), asistencia f social
    3) : relieve m (en la escultura)
    relief map: mapa en relieve
    4) replacement: relevo m
    aligeramiento s.m.
    alivio s.m.
    asistencia s.f.
    auxilio s.m.
    consuelo s.m.
    desahogo s.m.
    descanso s.m.
    realce s.m.
    relevación s.f.
    relevo s.m.
    relieve s.m.
    remedio s.m.
    socorro s.m.
    1) u (from worry, pain) alivio m

    much to my relief, I wasn't late — por suerte, no llegué tarde

    it's a relief that the rain's stopped/to sit down at last — menos mal que ha parado de llover/que al fin puedo sentarme

    the news came as a great relief to usrespiramos aliviados or tranquilos al oír la noticia

    to give relief from paincalmar or aliviar el dolor

    2) u ( aid) ayuda f, auxilio m ( de emergencia)

    to be on relief — (AmE) recibir prestaciones de la seguridad social; (before n)

    relief agencyorganismo de ayuda a los damnificados de una catástrofe

    3) c
    a) ( Mil) liberación f ( de una plaza sitiada)
    b) ( replacement) relevo m; (before n) <driver, crew> de relevo

    relief roadvía f de descongestión or (Méx) de libramiento

    4) u c
    a) (esp BrE Tax) desgravación f
    b) ( redress) ( Law) desagravio m
    5) u c (Art, Geog) relieve m

    to bring o throw something into relief — poner* algo de relieve; (before n)

    relief mapmapa m físico or orográfico; ( three-dimensional) mapa m en relieve

    1. N
    1) (from pain, anxiety) alivio m

    that's a relief! — ¡qué alivio!

    there was a sense of relief that the war was finally over — todos sintieron un gran alivio cuando se supo que la guerra había terminado por fin

    to bring or give or provide relief from sth — aliviar algo

    to heave or breathe a sigh of relief — dar un suspiro de alivio

    to our (great) relief, she accepted — para (gran) alivio nuestro, aceptó

    she almost wept with or in relief — casi lloró del alivio que sintió

    3) (=aid) auxilio m, ayuda f

    disaster reliefauxilio a las víctimas de una catástrofe

    4) (=state welfare)

    to be on or get relief — (US) recibir prestaciones de la seguridad social

    poor relief(Brit) (Hist) socorro m, beneficencia f

    5) (Mil) [of town] liberación f
    6) (Art, Geog) relieve m

    in high/low relief — en alto/bajo relieve

    to stand out in (bold or sharp or stark) relief against sth — (lit, fig) contrastar dramáticamente con algo

    to throw or bring sth into (sharp) relief — (fig) poner algo de relieve, hacer resaltar algo

    7) (=replacement) relevo m, sustituto m
    8) (=exemption) (from taxation) desgravación f ; debt
    9) (Jur) desagravio m
    CPD [train, bus] de reemplazo; [typist, secretary] suplente

    relief agency Norganización f humanitaria

    relief driver Nconductor(a) m / f de relevo

    relief fund Nfondo m de auxilio (a los damnificados)

    relief map Nmapa m físico or de relieve; (3-D) mapa m en relieve

    relief organization Norganización f humanitaria

    relief road Ncarretera f de descongestión

    relief supplies NPLprovisiones fpl de auxilio

    relief troops NPLtropas fpl de relevo

    relief work Nlabor f humanitaria

    relief worker Ntrabajador(a) m / f humanitario(-a)

    relief workerspersonal m de asistencia humanitaria

    * * *
    1) u (from worry, pain) alivio m

    much to my relief, I wasn't late — por suerte, no llegué tarde

    it's a relief that the rain's stopped/to sit down at last — menos mal que ha parado de llover/que al fin puedo sentarme

    the news came as a great relief to usrespiramos aliviados or tranquilos al oír la noticia

    to give relief from paincalmar or aliviar el dolor

    2) u ( aid) ayuda f, auxilio m ( de emergencia)

    to be on relief — (AmE) recibir prestaciones de la seguridad social; (before n)

    relief agencyorganismo de ayuda a los damnificados de una catástrofe

    3) c
    a) ( Mil) liberación f ( de una plaza sitiada)
    b) ( replacement) relevo m; (before n) <driver, crew> de relevo

    relief roadvía f de descongestión or (Méx) de libramiento

    4) u c
    a) (esp BrE Tax) desgravación f
    b) ( redress) ( Law) desagravio m
    5) u c (Art, Geog) relieve m

    to bring o throw something into relief — poner* algo de relieve; (before n)

    relief mapmapa m físico or orográfico; ( three-dimensional) mapa m en relieve

    English-spanish dictionary > relief

  • 3 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) lettelse
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) nødhjælp; nødhjælps-
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) afløsning; afløsnings-
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) befrielse
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reliefarbejde
    - relieved
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) lettelse
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) nødhjælp; nødhjælps-
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) afløsning; afløsnings-
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) befrielse
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reliefarbejde
    - relieved

    English-Danish dictionary > relief

  • 4 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) olajšanje
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pomoč
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) zamenjava
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) osvoboditev
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relief
    - relieved
    * * *
    I [rilí:f]
    relief, reliefno izbočeno delo; geography izbočenost zemeljske skorje (površine), relief, nadvig, plastična zemljepisna karta; printing reliefni tisk; figuratively živost, plastičnost, reliefnost
    II [rilí:f]
    olajšanje, olajšava, osvoboditev, rešitev ( from iz, od); ublažitev; tolažba; juridically podpora, pomoč, lek; oprostitev ( from od); odškodnina; figuratively počitek, počivanje, okrevanje; ugodna sprememba; military osvoboditev, odrešitev (obleganega mesta, trdnjave); zamenjava (posadke, straže); pojačanje, rezerva
    a relief to the eye — blagodejnost, užitek za oko
    it was a relief to see... — bilo je olajšanje videti...

    English-Slovenian dictionary > relief

  • 5 sigh

    § ოხვრა; ამოოხვრა
    § ამოსუნთქვა, ამოოხვრა
    she gave a sigh of relief // she sighed with relief შვებით ამოისუნთქა

    English-Georgian dictionary > sigh

  • 6 relief

    I 1. [rɪ'liːf]
    1) (from pain, distress) sollievo m.
    2) (help) aiuto m., soccorso m.

    to come to the relief of sb. — venire in aiuto o in soccorso di qcn.

    tax relief agevolazione o sgravio fiscale; to be on relief — AE percepire un sussidio statale

    3) (diversion) divertimento m., distrazione f.
    4) mil. (of garrison, troops) liberazione f., soccorso m.
    6) dir. (of grievance) riparazione f.
    modificatore [ operation] di soccorso; [programme, project] di aiuti; [bus, train] supplementare
    II [rɪ'liːf]
    nome art. arch. geogr. rilievo m.

    to throw sth. into relief — mettere qcs. in rilievo

    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) sollievo
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) aiuto, soccorso
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) sostituto
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) liberazione
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) rilievo
    - relieved
    * * *
    I 1. [rɪ'liːf]
    1) (from pain, distress) sollievo m.
    2) (help) aiuto m., soccorso m.

    to come to the relief of sb. — venire in aiuto o in soccorso di qcn.

    tax relief agevolazione o sgravio fiscale; to be on relief — AE percepire un sussidio statale

    3) (diversion) divertimento m., distrazione f.
    4) mil. (of garrison, troops) liberazione f., soccorso m.
    6) dir. (of grievance) riparazione f.
    modificatore [ operation] di soccorso; [programme, project] di aiuti; [bus, train] supplementare
    II [rɪ'liːf]
    nome art. arch. geogr. rilievo m.

    to throw sth. into relief — mettere qcs. in rilievo

    English-Italian dictionary > relief

  • 7 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) lindring; lettelse; befrielse
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) nødhjelp
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) avløsning, avlastning
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) befrielse
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relieffarbeid
    - relieved
    subst. \/rɪˈliːf\/
    1) lettelse, befrielse, lindring
    2) bistand, stønad, sosialhjelp (amer.)
    3) unnsetning, befrielse (av en beleiret by e.l.)
    4) avlastning, vaktskifte, avløsning(smannskap)
    5) ( historisk) lensavgift, betaling fra vasall til godseier
    6) ( golf) fritak
    afford\/bring\/give relief lindre, gi lindring
    angle of relief ( mekanikk) frivinkel, klaringsvinkel, ryggvinkel
    be on relief (amer.) motta sosialhjelp, gå på sosialen (hverdagslig)
    by way of (light) relief som avveksling, som underholdning
    tax relief skattelettelse, skattefradrag
    subst. \/rɪˈliːf\/
    (kunst, typografi eller overført) relieff
    bring\/throw something into relief sette noe i relieff, skape en kontrast til noe
    high relief hautrelieff
    low relief basrelieff
    stand out in strong\/sharp\/bold relief against something stå skarpt avtegnet mot noe, danne en skarp kontrast til noe
    adj. \/rɪˈliːf\/
    avløser-, ekstra-, avlastnings-

    English-Norwegian dictionary > relief

  • 8 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) alívio
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) socorro
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) substituto
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) libertação
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relevo
    - relieved
    * * *
    [ril'i:f] n 1 alívio. 2 assistência, socorro, ajuda. 3 remédio. 4 revezamento ou substituição de pessoal ou tropas. 5 indulto. 6 Mil pl reforços. 7 libertação (após um cerco). 8 Euphem satisfação sexual. indoor relief serviço de assistência social interno. light/ comic relief Theat, Lit, Cin mudança divertida e agradável (durante um drama). much to one’s relief para satisfação de alguém. on relief recebendo assistência social.
    [ril'i:f] n 1 relevo, saliência. 2 realce, contraste, distinção. 3 Archit saliência. 4 Geol elevação de terreno, parte montanhosa. in relief em relevo. to place / throw into relief realçar. to stand in bold relief destacar-se, sobressair.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relief

  • 9 relief

    ( feeling) ulga f; ( aid) pomoc f; (ART) relief m, płaskorzeźba f; ( GEOL) rzeźba f terenu
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) ulga
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pomoc
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) zmiennik
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) odsiecz, odbicie
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) płaskorzeźba, relief
    - relieved

    English-Polish dictionary > relief

  • 10 relief

    n. lättnad; befrielse; bistånd; relief (skulpterad bild); socialhjälp, understöd; vaktombyte, avlösning
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) lindring, lättnad
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) understöd, bistånd
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) avlösare, avbytare
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) befriande
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relief
    - relieved

    English-Swedish dictionary > relief

  • 11 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) úleva
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pomoc, pomocný
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) směna, střídání
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) osvobození
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reliéf
    - relieved
    * * *
    • ulehčení
    • úleva
    • útěcha
    • vysvobození
    • posila
    • pomoc
    • podpora materiální
    • plastika
    • profil
    • reliéf
    • střídání stráže
    • osvobození
    • odpočinek
    • obrys
    • kontrast

    English-Czech dictionary > relief

  • 12 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) úľava
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pomoc; pomocný, na pomoc
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) smena, striedanie
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) oslobodenie
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reliéf
    - relieved
    * * *
    • útecha
    • zábava
    • výpomoc
    • vylahcenie
    • výmena
    • výraznost
    • výška pevnosti
    • žalobná prosba
    • zretelnost
    • zmena
    • smena
    • striedanie
    • ulahcenie
    • ulavenie
    • úlava
    • profil
    • reliéf
    • remedúra
    • oslobodenie
    • plasticnost
    • podbrúsenie
    • opravný prostriedok
    • podpora
    • posila
    • pomoc
    • právna pomoc
    • podsústruženie
    • kontrast
    • náprava
    • návrh žaloby
    • návrh žiadosti
    • oddych
    • odlahcenie
    • obrys
    • odpocinok

    English-Slovak dictionary > relief

  • 13 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) léttir, linun
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) neyðar-/fjárhagshjálp
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) afleysingamaður
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) frelsun
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) upphleypt mynd
    - relieved

    English-Icelandic dictionary > relief

  • 14 relief

    közsegély, enyhítés, játékbiztosítás, kártérítés
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) megkönnyebbülés
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) segély(ezés)
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) váltás
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) felszabadítás
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relief
    - relieved

    English-Hungarian dictionary > relief

  • 15 relief

    n. rahatlama, sıkıntıdan kurtulma, kurtarma, rahatlatma, çare, yardım, destek, ara verme, nöbet değiştirme, nöbeti alan kimse, hafifletme, kabartma, rölyef
    * * *
    1. dindirme 2. yardım
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) ferahlık, rahatlama
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) yardım, bağış
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) nöbeti devralacak kimse
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) kurtarma
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) kabartma, rölyef
    - relieved

    English-Turkish dictionary > relief

  • 16 relief

    • hätäapu
    • helpotus
    • huojennus
    • avustus
    • apu
    • vaihto
    • reliefi
    • riikinruotsalainen (adj.)
    • keventää
    • kevennys
    • kohokuva
    • lievennys
    • lievike
    • lievitys
    • mukavuus
    • pinnanmuodostus
    • korkokuva
    * * *
    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) helpotus
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) apu
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) sijainen
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) vapautus
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) kohokuva
    - relieved

    English-Finnish dictionary > relief

  • 17 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) atvieglojums
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) palīdzība; pabalsts
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) maiņa; pārinieks
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) atbrīvošana; aplenkuma pārraušana
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reljefs
    - relieved
    * * *
    atvieglojums; cilnis, reljefs; kontrasts; pabalsts, palīdzība; dažādība, pārmaiņa; atbrīvošana; maiņa; pastiprinājums; aplenkuma izbeigšana

    English-Latvian dictionary > relief

  • 18 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) palengvėjimas
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pagalba, šalpa
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) pamainininkas
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) išvadavimas iš apsiausties
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reljefas
    - relieved

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > relief

  • 19 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) uşurare; calmare
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) (de) ajutor; asistenţă
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) (de) schimb
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) eliberare
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) relief
    - relieved

    English-Romanian dictionary > relief

  • 20 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) ανακούφιση
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) βοήθημα, αρωγή
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) αντικαταστάτης (π.χ. με αλλαγή βάρδιας)
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) λύση πολιορκίας
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) ανάγλυφο
    - relieved

    English-Greek dictionary > relief

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